Easy DIY Spring Wreath

Welcome friend!

I know it’s a little early for most of the country - winter is still in full force. But for me, I’m in a warm climate, and it already feels like spring here, so I’m ready to start decorating for the warmer months!

I am really loving the boho design style, and I’ve been wanting to add some fluffy pampas grass to my home’s décor. I’ve also seen these wreaths made from metal floral rings, so I thought it would be great to combine the two and make this easy DIY spring wreath!

Easy DIY Spring Wreath... Jennifer Zimmerman | DIY & Lifestyle

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Easy DIY Spring Wreath... Jennifer Zimmerman | DIY & Lifestyle

Supplies you’ll need:

Easy DIY Spring Wreath... Jennifer Zimmerman | DIY & Lifestyle

Step 1: Wrap your wire.

To make this wreath, I used a combination of floral wire and hot glue to attach my flowers to the metal floral ring.

To start, first wrap the wire around the ring a few times, and then add a drop of hot glue to the wire. Next, wrap around the wire just a couple more times to ensure everything stays put.

*Tip: Your metal ring will have a visible welding point where the ring connects. Start your wire here to ensure this spot gets covered up! The ring is beautiful, and you don’t want to mess up your whole wreath by not covering that spot.

Also note, you are starting at the top of your wreath design and working your way down to the bottom. That way you can layer your flowers on top of one another.

Easy DIY Spring Wreath... Jennifer Zimmerman | DIY & Lifestyle

Step 2: Attach the flowers.

Now you’re going to start attaching your flowers/pampas grass to the wreath form with the floral wire.

You don’t want to see any wire in your final design, so I suggest finding one of the thicker branches of the grass and attaching your wire here.

Pull back a portion of the grass to expose the branch you want to attach to the floral ring and wrap your wire to this area. Lay down a few pieces of grass that you were holding and wrap the wire around the new exposed area.

Continue down the stem until you’re ready to add more flowers.

If you see some wire at this point, it’s ok because you’re going to layer on flowers to cover any exposed wire.

Easy DIY Spring Wreath... Jennifer Zimmerman | DIY & Lifestyle

Step 3: Layer your flowers.

Now you’re going to add more flowers/grass to the wreath form, layering them on top of one another.

Attach your new flowers the same way you attached the first layer. Gently pull back some of the branches to expose the branch you want to attach, wrap your wire around it, lay the branches back down, and then gently pull up the branches in another area.

At this point, I did not cut the stems off of any of my flowers, so some stems were sticking down away from the wreath from.

That’s ok because some of the stems will get wrapped with wire as you move down the length of your wreath. The remaining stems will get trimmed once you add in all of your flowers and are ready to start wrapping your twine.

When you are finished with layering on your flowers, wrap the floral wire around the bottom of the flowers a few times and add a drop of hot glue to hold it all together. Trim off the excess wire.

Easy DIY Spring Wreath... Jennifer Zimmerman | DIY & Lifestyle

Step 4: Wrap your twine.

Once you layer on your desired amount of flowers, trim off any excess stems that are hanging off your floral ring.

To hide the exposed wire at the end, I wrapped twine around the bottom of my flowers, and then I continued wrapping the twine part-way around my floral ring.

Place a drop of hot glue at the end of your stems, and then wrap your twine around the floral ring to cover the ends.

Keep wrapping, and once you make it as far around your ring as desired, finish off your twine with a knot and add a drop of hot glue to keep it in place.

I tied my knot using a kind-of square knot. Bring the end of your twine up over the ring in the same direction as your hanging twine to create a loop, and then use the end to go under the piece it’s next to, over the other side of the loop, back under that same side, and then over your starting side (see picture for reference). Pull this tight and trim your remaining piece. I also added a drop of hot glue to ensure it stayed put.

Step 5: Glue on accent pieces.

To create a more polished look, I went back at this point and glued on some accent flowers. For any bare spots, I tucked in smaller flowers, grass pieces, wheat stalks, and a cat tail and attached them with hot glue.

Easy DIY Spring Wreath... Jennifer Zimmerman | DIY & Lifestyle

That’s it, you’re done!

I am seriously obsessed with how my wreath turned out. I love it so much! It has a bit of a boho vibe with the pampas grass, perfect for any season.

If you make this easy DIY spring wreath, I’d love to see a picture! Please share in the comments.

Happy crafting! I hope you enjoyed learning how to make this easy DIY spring wreath!

Jennifer Zimmerman

Welcome! I’m Jennifer, and I’m a Christ follower, wife, and mother to three amazing (and sometimes challenging) children! I’m always working on something - follow along to see what I’m currently up to!


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